

 Black does not mean no exist

Black iPod

Black Mouse

Black NB

Black Doggie

Black Cap

Black Tuner

Black Glasses

Black ShoesBox

Black Bag

Black Wallet

Black Pen

Black Fingerboard

Black Mobile

Black Tong with Black heart

Is it a way to be a low-key person?

The future is black if u can't find a way out
Nobody will give u a light but yourself
Only you will put yourself in the black hole
And only changing yourself can get yourself out of it

Gosh! I think about my future recently
Of what I’m going to do for my life
TOEIC gets 900 points?
Care well about my study?
Have a band?
Be a good skill guitarist?
Ollie over one board and learn some new tricks?
Lose some weights?
Get the pimples out of my face?
Have a part-time job, making money by myself?
Travel & work around the world?
Get my own DSLR camera?

After graduate, will I get a decent job?
Or keep study?
Or be a guitarist?
Or be a no-job dude?
Will I get a bf and get married?
Who knows?

Please, give me the power to keep going
Everyone has different kind of life
Some get well make confidence to their life
Some hate their life
Nobody knows what life is going to be
Nobody knows how best Taiwan is going to be
And nobody knows how many wins Wang can pitch

I control my life
I decide what kind of life I want
I have the light
I make the chose
Make the dark becomes bright
Bad happen never comes
Anyway keep rocking!
Create my own life!
Black is nothing

